Kunsthaus Graz
cultural spheres / cultural context / why everything becomes a wrapping / a cover / a cloth / fashioning the year 2000 / representation & high aspirations
ORTLOS in Second Life
Ortlos in Second Life was established to critically examine the possibilites of the ”virtual world-making”, alternative modes of production, a new design strategies and dislocated performative…
ORTLOS Metaverse
Ortlos in Second Life was established to critically examine the possibilites of the ”virtual world-making”, alternative modes of production, a new design strategies and dislocated performative…
The Thing & The Wing
“The Thing and The Wing” symbolizes a state of mobility, distortion and flows, a certain mood and a programmatic openness and non-dogmatic definitions. Loose architecture made of steel and…
Projects,Featured,Exhibition / Installation,Architectural Design
Hong Kong
Our proposal is based on the idea of the city, which is all over you at the same time: up and down, left and right, forward and backward, with the different quality of urban sequences.
The Grand Egyptian Museum
The project for the GrandEgyptianMuseum in Giza, Egypt attempts to present and visualize the country’s great history rather than to show the exhibits only. The image of our project is based on…