Campus Biel “Fun Palace”

The "Fun Palace" is a spatial vision for integrative thought that includes timber construction, flexibility of use, ecology, building operation and technological innovation.

Active House

This project emphasizes the performative aspects of the design process. This means that the formal and functional optimization, with focus on only significant elements, mimics so called ”bionics”…

Smart City

ZERO WASTE CITY, ZERO CARBON CITY through Active Urban Landscape. Active Buildings. Active Living.


Good news: ORTLOS and FormInGrün won the PEPMAC competition in category "Air to Surface" with the project F.U.T.U.R. - from dust till urban regeneration. The scheme proposes urban surfaces as carrier…

Urban Eco-System

Project Urban Eco-System is focused on understanding how cities work as ecological system and how sustainable structures can increase the quality of urban life.

Centre for promotion of Science

The design embraces the networked approach on several levels. Conceptually, the networks are inevitable for thinking and working within science, as well as when thinking of a cross-disciplinary…

Demo House

Because of its high symmetry, the cube is a regular polytype, and has an excellent SA/V ratio. Two interlocking cubes form the DEMO HOUSE, a third cube shapes the carport.